One of the things that we mus learn if we are to live the victoriuos Christian life is its utter simplicity. How complicated we have made it! Great volumes are written, all sorts of technical phrases are used, we are told the secretlies in this, or that, and so on. But to most of us it is so complicated that, although we know it is in theory, we are unable to relate what we know to our practical daily living. In order to make the simple truths we have been considering even clearer, we want in this topic to cast them all in picture form.  
                     THE HIGHWAY HOLINESS 
 An "overall" picture of the life of victory which has come to many of us is that of the Highway in Isiah 35; "And an highway shall be of holiness." The picture is that of a Highway built up from the surrounding morass, the world. Though the Highway is narrow and uphill, it is not beyond any of us to walk it, for "the wayfaring men, though fools, shall not err therein." Though there are many dangers if we get off the road, while we keep to the Highway there is safety, for "no lion shall be there, nor any ravennous beast shall go up thereon." Onlyone kind of person is barred from walking there and that is the unclean one. "The unclean shall not pass over it." This includes not only the sinner who does not know Christ as his Saviour, but the Christian who does and yet is walking in unconfessed and uncleaned sin.
The only way onto the Highway is up a small, dark, forbidding hill, the Hill of Calvary. It is the sort of hill we have to climb on our hands and knees , especially our knees. If we are content with our present Christian life, if we do not desire with a desperate hunger to get onto the Highway, we shall never get to our knees and thus never climb the hill. But if we are dissatisfied, if we are hungry, then we will find ourselves ascending. Don't hurry. Let God make you really hungry for the Highway; let Him really drive you to your knees in longing prayer. Mere sightseers won't get fat. "Ye shall... find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."
                    OFF THE HIGHWAY
But we may, and sometimes do, slip off the Highway, for it is marrow. One little step asife and we are off the path and in darkness. It is always because of a failure in obedience somewhere or a future to be weak enough to let God do all. Satan is always beside the road, shouting at us, but he cannot touch us. But we can yield to his voice by an act of will. This is the beginning of sin and slipping away from Jesus. Sometimes we find ourselves stiffening our necks to someone, sometimes to God Himself. Sometimes jealousy or resentment assails us. Immediately we are over the side, for nothing unclean can walk the Highway. Our cup is dirtied and ceases,to overflow and we lose our peace with God. If we do not come back to the Highway ay once, we shall go further down the side. We must get back. How? The first thing to do is to ask God to shoe what caused us to slip off; and He will, though it often takes Him time to make us see. Perhaps someone annoyed me, and i was irritated. God wants me to see that it was not the thing that the person did that matters, but my reaction to it. If i had been broken, I would not have been irritated.
So, as i look longingly back to the Highway, I see the Lord Jesus again and i see what an ugly thing it is to get irritable and that Jesus died to save me from being irritable. As i crawl up again to the Highway on hands and knees, i come again to Him and His blood for cleansing. Jesus is waiting there to fill my cup to overflowing once again. Hallelujag! No matter where you leave the Highway, you will always find Him calling you to come back and be broken again, and always the blood will be great secret of the Highway, knowing what to do withsin, when sin sin has come in. The secret is always to take sin to the cross, see there its sinfulness, and then put it under the blood and reckon it gone.
So the real test all along the Highway will be- are our cups running over yet? Have we the peace of God in our hearts? Have we love and concern for others? These things are the barometer of the Highway. If they are disturbed, then sin has crept in somewhere - self-pity, self-seeking, self-indulgence in thought or deed, sensitiveness, touchiness, self-defense, self-conciousness, shyness, reserve, worry, fear and so on.
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