When Things Go Contrary

"Humans are like atmospheric weather condition,today may be harsh and unfavourable to you, but when you are patient and endure the condition tomorrow will become fair, cool and favourable to you (-Urbane S. Igbongi)". I know you may have gone through alot in this life, as you age-on in life and journey through the days and seasons of the appointed time for you in life: the more you come in contacts with different happenings life has to offer you.

The moment you step into this world your days of good and evil starts counting down till when you are going leave this world. But as soon as you realize this you will start figuring out what exactly what to do WHEN THINGS GO CONTRARY.. As human we don't expect every thing to be rosy but when things go well with us, we should not forget the truth that it is jus only a fair, cool and favourable weather at that particular point in time. Some persons have a way of adapring to any condition they find themself and others find it difficult to do so bringing in th saying that it is "survival of the fittest".It is more like what does not kill a man makes him stronger. When things go contrary to how plan we just have to be patient and wait for when it will go as planned. Life itself is full of somany meistry and if allow nature to let it come the way we wanted it then we must vividly understand the definitions of patient and have respect for patient. Every mortal on earth is on the circle of life and its like we are the planet on the circle of life while our destiny and targets are the positions and location of the where we want to be. Therefore it is like the solar system where every other planet revolves around it. And it is also like the revolution of the earth around the sun where the eath goes from day to night changing weathers and seasons. So don't give up when you see all those things that don't appease to you. Know that you will soon pass them by and move to another phase of life that will appease you. When you have crossed that boundary of unfair weathers of life, then you will know that you have arrive. But incase you want to asked how do you know that you are about to cross odds of life and move into happy life, know that time has that power to reveal to you when and where. So you just have to be patient and watch out but not sleeping while you wait for that time to come. Get this that things may go contrary but don't do the contrary to what will or may hinder you from geting to your target in life. Just keep going on and keep pushing forwar until you lay your hands on the target. When some people see things go contrary to them they start blame game and other start thinking of suicide. No, suicide is not for the noble ones and theirs is no nobility in it rather a lost and short coming of what would have propel you forward to your destination in life. Life have so many ways and tricks so you just have to play along and keep on hustling. Just as we don't all have the same DNA, that is how we don't all have the same destiny in this life. "War comes and go but my soldiers stay eternal ( -Amaru Shakur)". So please don't surrender to that army of the ebemy trying to destroy your life and destiny. Don't let daubt come up in your mind to steal your focus away from you and make you do things that are contrary to the rifht thing you are supposed to do. So cheer up my friend and don't lose up. When you see that way of unfavourable conditions and odds come your way, just be a soldier and stay eternal. When things go contrary, don't do the contrary to the right thing you are supposed to do. Stay safe and stay strong for the sake of what you want to become in life. When things go contrary in my life, what keeps me going is the thought of what i want to become in life. So, always remember that as long as you are in this world, things will always go either as planned and wished or it will go contrary.
