How to Become a Successful Enterpreneur

Are you here on mortalnews24 to learn enterpreneural tips? You have come to the right place. This is why we are called mortaln24, because we mortivationally organize reliable techniques accomplishing learning. Enterpreur is good because it is the grass root some of the existing big businesses today. 
Some of the most wealthiest people tay in this world starts from somewhere to where they are today. You too should start up something even if you are not sure of what you want to start yet.  Have a positive drive and urge towards whatever goals you want to achieve in life, and you will do it. 

   What is Enterpreneur? Enterpreneur is the propensity and act of starting a small business with the aim of growing it into a bigger business using small capital tools.
What are the Importance of Enterpreneurship?

Enterpreneurship is as deep as the ocean and so are its importance. But we are going to list just a few because we can't take everything from the ocean. 

 1. It is the fastest way of growing a nation. A nation with so many enterpreneurs have fast and fat economy. Take a look at the United State for example the number of enterpreneurs and private investors are much more than the government's investors. This os the reason why US is a world's giant in terms of economy, enterprenurs and so many more aspects. 

2. It is the best way of Alluviating poverty from a community. A community full of enterprenurs always have what it takes to keep her youths doing one good thing or the other. China is a case study, take a look at the numbers of chinese enterprenurs, this is why China has the second largest economy in the world after the United State. 

 3. It gives you success insight of starting and establishing a business, since you are begining from the grass root. You will have more idea and experience of the risks involve in managing a business. 

 4. Makes you boss of your own. You don't have to wake of early in the money, hit the shower and then hit the road to manage or spend quality of your time on anothers business, but yours. This will make you think properky than those managing their own business and at the same time handling others own. You will have more time to put somethings in orderbetter than tbose working for others and partly working for themself. 

 5. It will bring you more money. Since you are the CEO, you manage your money, pay yourself and others, and then make more money. We are going to stop the list here and continue another time.
Now we are going to look at some of the qualities of a good and successful enterprenur.

1. Confidence: It should not be self but know that you mean what you are doing and you love to do it. Confidence is very important in enterpreneur because it gives you every ability to act in every aspect of your start-up business.

 2. Risk management: you want to become the boss of yourself? you need to sign a no-return deals with risk, so as to make aware that you don't own that business alone. But you share it with risk and that risk can come at any time.  

3. Must have the spirit competitveness: know that your are not the only one doing that business and if you are the only one, know certainly that somebody may soon start competing with you. So be prepared for severe competition. Don't be like the fish in an ocean forgeting that there are other fishes that are hungry. 

 4. Apprecoate and be careful with money value: don't spend your money any how and don't treat money like it does not have value. Also appreciate the little you have and what you have achieved, hopping for more. 

 5. Time management: time is one of the greatest rivalry and enemy of any buisiness start-ups. So be careful of how you manage your time. Make sure you prioritize your work. 

 6. You must have reverence for whatever you are doing. Yes, be thankfull and be humble to it. 

Some of the Areas you Could Find Useful Enterpreneur are: 

 1. Education 

 2. Book selling 

 3. Agriculture 

 4. Printing and Publication 

 5. Poultry keeping 

 6. Information and Communication Technology.
