HOW WE SHARED THE MONEY: A Letter to Nigerians

HOW WE SHARED THE MONEY:A Letter to Nigerians. This article is based on strict research and verification of the on-going norms amongst political keaders in the country of the giant of Africa:-Nigeria. There are many today who feels its normal for them to adjust to whatever goes around in their hemisphere. And there are those who feels its not fair not to have equal treatment as others. The question is, why do others feel its okay to adjust to something that can and should be corrected? Maybe your guess is as good as mine. But the truth is, so many don't learn lesson and some people don't shift from one ideology to another. This is why Albert Einstein calls it “Insanity”, because they often do one thing again and again. How does politicians share your money? It was decided specifically by you in the course of every election. Whenever and whoever you give your VOTE to spells how out your decision to HOW, WHERE and WHEN you want the money to be spent. A leader is elected to serve, but some Nigerian leaders are there just to be served. It is a shame the majority of the citizens of the African giant cannot afford $3-$4 per day and its a big shame the African giant can't win territorial insurgence battle. Nigerians make their own choice, but regret is always the case of the outcome of every election. This is why we need to be very careful and be wise of how we and who we pinned our choice on. Some of the very factors that determine how we enhanced money mongery political leaders decide how they shared how money are: Hunger: Because many are hungry and cannot afford two or three square meal a day, the decision to sell their conscience is the last resor. Politicians that have lost quality and equality does not have conscience and therefore are ready to buy yours aswell. Don't let any politician bribe you to bribe his/her way in to any office in the name of they came to me and i accepted their offer because i was hungry. They knew an hungry man is an angry man, that is why they decided to calm you with a token of what cannot last for 4 years. Religion: Africa is one part of the world that is so deep with religious sentiments and religious unrighteousness and Nigeria is not exempted from the list. This is one of the major cardinals of how politicians culminate votes from their followers. But why? Because he said i am a Muslim and you ought to help your brother in the faith and not infidels. Or because he said i am a Christian and you ought to love your brother as yourself and help hime when he/she is in need. We need to be absolutely careful and draw lines between religion and politics especially our clerics that preaches spirituality. If we refused to accept religious sentiments and REFUSE RELIGIO-POLITICS from our communities and Nation at large, this country will go far and WE DON'T HAVE TO SELL OUR VOTES TO INEXPERIENCED AND INCOMPETENT POLITICIANS IN THE NAME OF RELIGIOUS DIFFERENCES. When you give your vote to an incompetent politician, you are indirectly accepting his strategies of leadership and how he or she will be sharing your national cake. Ethnicity: This is another factor and cardinals of how citizens vote for how the nation's capital is spent. Because he is my tribe and from my ethnic group, therefore i will vote for him AND NOT NECCESSARILY BECAUSE IS IS QUALIFIED WITH PREVIOUS RECORDS OF GOOD GOVERNANCE. This is the beginning and end of a patriotic citizen. Don't give anyone your vote if he or she has not met the requirements to become a leader, don't vote for him/her because he/she is from your ethnic background. Corruption: A corrupted citizen will do nothing but to vote a corrupted leade(S.I Urbane). Therefore don't vote those you are sure did not satisfy the masses and as well do not meet the required leadership skills. SHARING HIERACHY FORMULAR I (politician) lied to you | You (citizen) accepted I (politician had no pre-electoral project for you) | You(citizen), i am satisfied with that and i votted you. | I (politician) won and you loosed | I didn't keep ny promise and | You(citizen), i am not bordered by that because you are same religion a me, from the same enthicity and zone, county(state) as me so go on even if i am hungry. | I(politician) used the money to send my child abroad and keep ASUU strike going on. | You(citizen), i will still vote some one like you, go on. | RESULT is ≥ Poverty and high çost of living.
