THE CHARACTER OF YOUR CHILDREN IS MOST TIMES A REFLECTION OF YOU. We have some many kind of people in the world, so do we have so many people characters in the world. These are what our societies are made up of and these are what contributes positively or negatively to our society.Therefore we have to take responsibility for our actions, be it right or wrong. The way we bring up our children spells what they become in life. Some parents may said, i have done all i can do to make my child a better individual to the society, he is just frustrating me. May be you are not doing it the right way and this is why your effort does not generate any reasonable output. Try another way and asked your neighbours how they are doing it that their children is doing well. 

Alas, don't say its a shame to ask your neighbour how to train or raise up your child, becuase the end point is what you are looking for and you are trying to make that child a better person to the society. So don't say its insulting to ask you friends on how to make your child morally sound. "When you fail to take the positive step, you will end up having a negative result- Urbane Igbongi." Here i am going to tell you a story about a young child who when arrested put the blame on his parents for not doing what a real parent should do for their children. Read and digest this lesson and ask yourself which moral area of your child you have not yet worked on.
A young man was to be sentenced to the penitentiary for commiting a heinous crime. The judge said to the him, "Son, you're a disgrace to your parents. They must be ashamed of you right now. And you should be ashamed of yourself too." "Of course, i'm ashamed of myself. I'm a criminal and deserve to be purnished for my nefarious activities. But my parents don't have any moral right to be ashamed of me. As a matter of fact, they should be sentenced along with me," he replied. "Stop talking gibberish, young man, and take responsibility for your actions," the judge chided him. "I'm sorry, your Honour. But you sounded as if you know my parents. I bet you don't know them," he blurted. "It is because of them that i am here today. They ruined my life. My mother was a common thief who stole food and household items from superstores. When i was a kid, she always took me along for shopping, and whenever i followed her, she stole something. Every time i asked her why she stole, her reply was always, 'stealing to sustain yourself isn't a bad thing.' So like her, i began with stealing little things and brought them home to her. Instead of her rebuking and punishing me, she laughed and said, 'You're a smart boy.' "She also taught me to lie. Whenever her creditors came looking for her, she would hid herself in the room, and asked me to lie to them that she was gone out." "And my father, he deserves to rot in jail. He is a womanizer. He sent money and love letters to different women through me, and threatened to kill me if i ever told my mother about his extramarital affairs. He also put the first bottle of liquor in my hand, and turned me into a drunk. My parents taught me nothing about morals or religion. They trained me to be a menace to the society, and they should be answering for their crime." "Yea, you sure represented them well," the judge said sarcastically. "You're a good reflection of them." Do you feel guilty after reading? it means you are getting somewhere. All you need to do is to take a positive step and apply correction measure, so that your children or your child will say in the future, you denied them moral knowledge and values. Start by highlighting on the paper, where you thing they are not morally sound and what you thing they are morally doing wrong. Then apply correctional measures to it. watch them daily as it applies to them and how they responds to it. And you are good to go. - Story of the young man from DCLM Women Mirror. Subscribe to my blog and follow me up for more articles.
