DLSO WORKSHOP (JUNIOR YOUTHS/JSS CLASSES) SMALL STEPS… GREAT HEIGHTS Job 8:7; Psalm 115:13 – 15 Generally, in life, great successes and achievements are desirable by everyone. The young people desire and aspire to reach the great heights that they see in the lives of older men and women around them. However, the attention of such youngsters are not always set on the various small efforts which accumulate into those great accomplishments they observe and aspire to reach. Many great achievements in life start with small steps of persistent efforts. Little drops of water make a mighty ocean. The great men you see today all have their stories of small (often hard and rough) beginnings. Every youth must understand the significance of every small (almost un-noticeable) day-to-day activity they engage themselves in that can influence the attainment of great heights. Small efforts will build up great accomplishment and little attempts will lead to un-imaginable great success. The scriptures clearly declare “Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase” (Job. 8:7). PASSIONATE SUSTAINED-DRIVE FOR GREAT HEIGHTS Proverbs 18:1; Job. 36:11; Deuteronomy 28:12, 13; Psalms 71:21; 84:11; 37:4, 5; Joshua 1:8; Philippians 3:13, 14; 4:13; 3 John 2 Success and attainment of great heights in live are God’s promise and plans for the youths who have committed their heart and life to the Lord through genuine repentance and turning away from all evils. “For the Lord God is a Sun and Shield; no good thing will he withhold from them that WALK UPRIGHTLY” (Psalm 84:11). Every youth should develop a passionate desire and drive for reaching great heights in their spiritual life and chosen career. Be sure you establish and maintain a sincere, sound and steadfast relationship with the Lord. Study the lives of men and women in the Bible (like Joseph, Daniel, Esther, Paul etc.) who had records of great accomplishments. Also, explore the challenging stories of great men and women in our contemporary time who attain great heights through sincere trust in God and hard works. PURPOSEFUL STEPS TO GREAT HEIGHTS Job 8:7; Proverbs 12:24; 14:23; 21:25; Genesis 18:4; 24:17 – 21; 1 Kings 19: 13 – 16; John 6:9 Many great accomplishments often result from the accumulation of small steps of attempts. The final assessments of students in most schools are normally computed as a sum of all the various continuous assessments and tests. Every youth who aspire to reach great heights in life must identify the small steps that will help him/her attain the dream of great heights. Likewise, there are little things also that can hinder the attainment of great heights which must be avoided. Small Steps to Great Heights Regular attendance in classes (Proverbs 18:1, 2). Diligence in carrying out assignments and quizzes which make up your assessments (Proverbs 12:24). Small deeds of kindness (as seen Abraham entertaining the un-known visitors) (Genesis 18:4). Respect for elders (Leviticus 19:32). Obedience to parents and deliberate diligence in doing household chores (Proverbs 4:1 – 3). Willingly giving your “small fishes” as involvement in God’s service (John 6:9). Put God first in all your pursuit of livelihood (1 Kings 19:13–16). Little Obstacles to Great Heights There are some “little” obstacles that can block your way to great heights. Avoid little foxes of sinful passion (Songs 2:15). Avoid little sleep and a little slumber of laziness (Proverbs 6:10). Avoid little folding of the hands in idleness (Proverbs 6:10; 21: 25). Avoid little talk of the lips in gossips, lying, backbiting etc. (Proverbs 14:23). Avoid little folly of indulgence. (Ecclesiastes 10:1). Avoid little wandering from the way of understanding (Proverbs 21:16). Avoid little copy of World’s methods of attaining success (Exodus 23:2; Proverbs 20:17). Preserving and Sustaining the Great Heights Deuteronomy 8:10 – 18; John 15:4 -7; 2Timothy 3:13, 14 When the Lord lifts His children up to great heights, He equally expects them to remain in obedience to the divinely given principles so as to keep enjoying the benefits provided. Our priority as Christian youths should be to ensure constant and continuous flow of God’s blessings into our lives. Whatever height you attain in life; remain in un-broken fellowship with the Lord; constantly abiding in His words; shun all forms of pride and arrogance; seek to influence other youths with the potentials you have been enriched with; and steadfastly looking unto Jesus for grace and favour. Are you presently at a low wrung on the ladder of life? God has great plans for your life. He will lift you up to your desired great heights. Your small steps today will lead you to great heights in Jesus name. AMEN.
