Self-motivation and Diligence of a Success-Minded Youth.

Self-motivation and Diligence of a Success-Minded Youth.
Self-motivation means propelling one-self to do things that seems difficult or impossible to a person. It is also the ability of an individual to rise or overcome obstacles surrounding him or her. When you seems to bee loosing your courage in the face of dispair or difficult situations, all you have to do is to speak courage to your self even if no one is around you to motivate you. As for me, the best time i think and reason within myself was when no one was around me. By that time i will have enough time to reshuffle my life, especially to know where i am, where i was and where i am going. This idea will encourage you to remind yourself that you have just started the journey to that set goals you have. Don't give up motivating your self because that problem still lies there looking at you. Keep going and never look back at any one trying to distract you from where you are going. As for me, what keeps me going was the thought of where i am heading to. Bad things always happen and as long as you are in this world, bad and good will always keeping coming. But your response to each of those elemental factors of challenge is what makes you strong and unconquerrable. Don't let negative thaughts come to your mind and don't let any one groom your heart negatively. When you start given heed to negative thaughts and nursing it always with weakness, when a problem or challenge is sitting right in front of you, then defeat start seeing loop holes to crep into your life and then weakened you. Albert Einstein said: "Stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution". I am telling you thesame thing too, stay away from numerous advises that could lead you to devices.
What are the propensity that could motivate you? HOW TO MOTIVATE YOURSELF 1. Define clearly the objective of your success height in life. O! yes, you need to clearly state what you want and what you are interested in, so as not to be carried away all wind of knowledge that may pollute your goals. 2. Believe in your ability and potential of your set goals. Trust your self as you trust God for a dream come true. Believe in your ability to do what you want in life. This will will gives you a heads up for that objective in life. 3. Positivity through focus and consistent top process. As i have said before, a positive mindset will guide you to where you want to go, but your ability is what will take you there. 4. Set objective that your ability and potentials could carry. Make sure you have plans and not just want to be anything without mapping out your plans on how to achieve them. 5. Look constantly on the goal that you can do it. Keep reminding yourself that you are not there yet, therefore revisiting that plan, ideas and goals will tell you exactly where you are heading to. As i have told you, it is the thought of where i am heading that keeps me going and pushing me forward. So keep reminding yourself that. 6. Refuse a fearful pattern Yes, you need not to be fearful because now you have gotting all the courage to execute that goal of yours. FEAR according to a renown pastor said, forget every thing and run, means: F- forget, E- everything, A- and, R- run. Can you see how dangerous that word is? it means Forget Everything And Run. Don't quit and don't say no, but say yes i can do it. 7. Pay a prize of consistent diligent. There is a prize for everything in this world and you are not going to meet what you want in life at the bed of all roses. So prepared and give in your maximum effort to what ever you want to do or whatever ypur are doing in life. Don't give up your goals in life and don't because of challenges feels its not possible, let I CAN do spirit be in you so as to succeed. Thank you for taking your time to read this article. Please follow and share with your loved ones. You can also ask your question or share your taught about this in the comment section. Hope this has helped and enlightened and uplifted your spirit? Let me know either way.
