improve alexa rank TOPIC: REMAINING FOCUS DESPITE CHALLENGES Text: Job 14:1; Gen 3:17-23; John 16:33; 1 Pet 4:12-14

Job through the Spirit of God succinctly captured the appalling state of man after his fall when he said *_“Man that is born of a woman is of few days and full of trouble”_* (Job 14:1). This prophetic utterance of Job is still very relevant today, time and tide of life have not changed it.

 The disobedience of man and the consequent fall from grace in Eden opened a vista for life challenges and troubles for man. Since then, the life of man has been characterized by hardness and challenges _“unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake: In sorrow shall thou eat the herb of the field"_(Gen 3:17-23). The believer though redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ is not immune from life challenges; he has also a fair share of it. However, his case then is quite different because his salvation by grace through faith affords him divine resources with which he is able to weather through the storms of life while serving God here on earth. While the unbelievers may be drown in the sea of their troubles and difficulties, or cut corners or apply desperate ungodly measures to sail through; the believer through faith in Christ confronts and conquers challenges as promised by the Saviour by remaining focused on the unchanging God. _"These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world”_ (John 16:33). The victory of Christ then is the victory of the believer during challenges. 1. THE REASONS FOR CHALLENGES _Prov 26:2; 1 Sam 17:29b_ Just like David responded to his brethren who were opposed to his presence at the battle field that there was a cause for his coming to the scene of the battle, likewise also it is imperative that we have scriptural knowledge of the reasons why God may permit challenges in the life of a believer because _“..curse causeless shall not come”_(Prov. 26:2). The scriptures _“ shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free”_ (John 8:32). Proper and scriptural approaches to challenges will definitely produce godly results that will glorify God in the life of a believer when we have focused perspective of why God may permit his own to experience hard times. Though the scripture is replete with such reasons why God would allow a believer to experience hard times in life, few of such will suffice us to look at now; 1. Test of faith: 1 Pet 1:7; Matt 13:4-7 - our faith in God has to be tested and proved, so hard times and difficulties come to a believer to test how true and strong the faith of a believer is in God. 2. Tool for spiritual maturity: Rom 5:3-5- in most cases, God allows challenges in the life of his people to serve as a means of maturing our faith in him. 3. True identification with Christ: Phil 1:29 - challenges, trials and life difficulties can come to the way of the righteous as a mark of identification with our saviour. 4. Test of obedience to God and his word: 2 Cor 2:9 - how can we prove to the world that we implicitly obey our God if not in challenges when we refuse to compromise but rather stand upon the word of God despite suffering- choosing rather to suffer affliction, esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than treasures in Egypt…….., we ought to obey God rather than man… (Hebv11:25, 26; Acts 5:29). 5. Timely reminder of a life without hard times in eternity with God: Heb 13:13-14 - believers through life difficulties are in constant reminder that this world is not our home, that we should always look up for our home in heaven with Christ-(John 14:-3). 6. Test of our undying love for Christ: John 21:15-17 - hard times come to test our love for God and for Christ to see whether we shall betray our love to him because of life challenges or that we shall persevere choosing to die rather than deny or abandon him. 7. Sin: sin is the harbinger of afflictions and hard times sometimes. Whatever God permits he provides means of victory for his people- _“there hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful…, also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it”_ (1 Cor 10:13). 2. THE RESOURCES FOR VICTORY OVER CHALLENGES _Isaiah 43:2, 5, 54:16-17; Psalm 91:15; 2 Tim 3:1_ Our God who is all-knowing, he knows ahead of time that challenges shall come the way of his people, so he in advance makes adequate provision for our victory. Whatever he allows to come our way as challenges, difficulties, persecution or trials of life, he knows that if we depend on him, we shall overcome just like our master and saviour Jesus Christ who overcame (John 16:33). The Spirit of God speaking through Apostle Paul said that God will make a way to escape for us (1 Cor 10:13). God has through his words provided us the means of victory when we: ✓ Trust in God- Psalm 7:1; 16:1; Prov 3:5; I Chro 5:20. ✓ Persevere - Job 13:15, 16. ✓ Be resolute-1 Cor 15:57; Dan 1:8. ✓ Hold on to the promises of God- Job 17:9; 1 Chro 28:20. ✓ Pray always- Luke 18:1; Psalm 18:6; James 5:15a. ✓ Praise and rejoice in the midst of challenges- Acts 16:25-26; Habak 3:17-19. ✓ Confess our victory- Job 19:25; Acts 27:25. 3. THE RESPONSE OF BELIEVERS DURING CHALLENGES _Acts 5:40-42; Job 1:22; Acts 20:22-24_ Our attitude and response and reaction to our life challenges will either make or mar us. God watches to see how we react. God’s reaction to our troubles to a greater extent is predicated on ours. If we honour God during our challenges, he will honour us, but if we deny and disgrace him, he turns his back against us and leaves us alone. So during our challenges, let us: ✓ Show positive attitude like the 3 Hebrew Children-Dan 3:14-18. ✓ Exhibit scriptural approach like Joseph - Gen 39:7-8. ✓ Display brave and courageous disposition like Joshua. ✓ Manifest joyous appreciation to God for counting us worthy to suffer a little for him -Acts 5:40,4. ✓ Constantly confess our victory like Paul- Acts 27: 22-25. ✓ Rededicate ourselves unto God- Rom 8:35,37. ✓ Renew our vow unto God - Job 13:15.
