Who are you is a question that always get people scared and shiever Some persons get offender because they think they are been challenged by this question. ONE may not neccessary have to tell a bunch of a story about himself/herself when asked WHO ARE YOU?. To me this question seems more like a mirror that one is requested to behold himself or herself. Depending on the scenarior which you are asked this question mostly. Job interviewers frequently ask this question and they expect their candidates to give a noteable but brief and concised answer.


 You may call it the summary of the information about yourself and your career. But when you are asked this same question by a friend or co-worker in the office, what would be your reply?. You will agree with me that this is where many finds it to be something more like a challenge to their privacy. I think so too but there more to it than just been an offense. Take a look at the three words that make up that question very closely.WHO - ARE -YOU, did you notice any thing very important about the combinations of thise word? O yea i did. Not sure about you anyway. When you think deeply you will find out that those three words comprises of three laters each. When you remove the first laters of each of those three words, you wi find out that it is W -A -Y. How do you pronounce that? your guess is as good as mine, simply WAY, now i believe you get it. Therefore you should not be offended or feel challenged when a colleague at your working place or a friend ask you this question.Because they only want to know your WAY OF LIFE or WAY OF HANDLING THINGS or WAY OF DOING THINGS, and the somany WAYs about you. WHO is Way of Handling Others ARE is Accept Real Existentiality YOU is Yourself Others and Understandings At times your the WAY you handle others makes them to question your WAY of relationships with them. And the WAY you refused to accept the reality and the real purpose of your existence and of others makes them question WHO YOU ARE. And your understanding of other people makes them questions WHO YOU ARE. Therefore it is about time you understand yourself and others around you so that when you are asked WHO YOU ARE, you should be able to give them an answer. So don't be offended or feel challenged when you are asked WHO ARE YOU?. I believe this little piece have helped you and if you are willing to see more of this just subscribe to my blog and i will keep you updated. More so i want to know your taughts so let know at the comment section below and i reply withing few hours. Thanks for reading and i hope this little piece has helped you in one way or the other, please just hit the subscribe and follow button.
