The True Story of Sonia Henshaw: Her Integrity Pays-off

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This story was told and printed by the Deeper Life Press: Women Mirror.Now published by mortalnews24. The applicants were scattered around the organisation's lobby in groups of twos and threes. Many of them had this anxious look on their faces. Only a very few seemed relaxed, or perhaps just trying to brace up for the occation. Sonia Henshaw made a quick sweep of the environment with her eyes as she walked into the vast lobby. The country's largest telecommunications outfit had advertised to recruit new customer care consultants. They were all gathered for some written and oral interviews. Quickly deciding to join a group of three ladies at the far right corner of the lobby, Sonia waled briskly to the spot where they sat around a tablefor six. Without wasting time, she checked to see if she had all necessary documents. "Your age is beyond the required age limit" said one of the ladies, whom Sonia thought could pass for her elder sister. She had been aware of the age limit for the position to be filled, but had decided to apply nonetheless because of the years of experience she had gathered. 

That (her year of experience) would at laeast give her an edge even if her age was a disadvantage , she had reckoned. One of the ladies broke into her thought when she asked, "But why didn't you just do another age declaration and reduce yoir age?" Despite been a sound Christian Sonia wasn't really shocked by the illicit suggestion as that seemed to have been the norm. She had heard of several similar cases, including that of a company's director who had lied about his age to get the employment and had got the post of a director by many other falsifications. The ladies were saying that it didn't matter, especially if the age difference wasn't so much. Sonia's was just two years difference, which meant that she was still in the same age bracket. They saw no reason she coukdn't have it changed. Interrupting them, Sonia calmly but firmly replied, "I can never falsify my age. Not even for a billion-dollar job." The ladies looked at her in disbelief. Two of them had changed their ages to fit the age requirement and had even forged some other documents. What was important was getting the job. Nobody cared what you did to get it. Their pressure, teasing and taunting notwithstanding, Sonia remained undaunted. After the test, she continued praying to God that she'd find favour in the sight of the human resource group of the company. The written tests had gone really smoothly. Apart from the age difference, she saw nothing that could disqualify her for the test. Two weeks after the test, she was called upon for the oral interview. She was overjoyed. To have called her up for the interviews was an indication that the age requirement had been waved after all and they were going to give her the job. A couple of days later she was called. This time she was sure it was a call to resume duty. "You are welcome miss Henshaw". The man at the edge of the the very massive table said,looking straigh. Sonia answered, "The board is highly impressed with your performance." We believe you will make a very efficient customer care consultant. "Thank you sir, sonia responded". "You have a rich resume, but there is a little issue with." The age requirement for the job we advertised is 28 years and below. Your resume here says you are 30 and that effectivelive disqualified you. "Sonia replied, but i thought you over looked the age difference and that is why you invited me for the interview". The man answered and said, "You made the interview because we invited applicants with previous experience with customer care consultancy." Your performance in the interview was outstanding though, but the management is strict on its requirement. Sorry, you do not meet all of our requirements. Though sad not getting the job, Sonia left that place glad that she hadn't compromised her convictions. Exactly three months after the interview, however, Sonia's phone rang one Tuesday evening. She had just returned from the orphanage home where she offered voluntary services pending the time she would get a gainful employment. Her caller said she was to report at the office of the Human Resource Manager of the telecommunications outfit. The information sounded too good to be true. She had to severally ask her caller if she was certain she had the right phone number. The next morning, Sonia made entry into the HRM's office and the woman on seat welcomed her. The woman said "The board has unanimously agreed that with your rich resume and years of experience, you would fill in this position satisfactorily." And base on this agreement, we have decided to offer you the job. Sonia was speechless. She had to be dreaming. She had been offered the job and was to decide when to resume. The next day Sonia resumed duty as she had said she would. A number of people walked up to her to congratulate her. She asked of the two girls that had changed their age to meet the age requirements and the management told her that after a thorough investigations check on their staff, the investigations had revealed that a number of the applicants had presented false and forged certificates and other falsified documents. This had led to the immediate termination of their appointments. Sonia's integrity and dignity pays-off. Subscribe to this blog and learn more.
